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Shin Sangokumusou 7 Moushouden.Full.Game English Version V 1.02 And 11DLC Included

Shin Sangokumusou 7 Moushouden.Full.Game English Version V 1.02 And 11DLC Included

Shin Sangokumusou 7 Moushouden.Full.Game English Version V 1.02
11DLC Included

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'Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends' introduces entirely new levels of fun to the refreshing gameplay vanquishing swarms of enemies with mighty warriors found in 'Dynasty Warrors 8.' In story mode, where you can immerse yourself in the vivid tales of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it is now possible to play as the mighty warrior 'Lu Bu,' and embark on a journey that depicts his way of life. Additionally, many new hypothetical scenarios to existing Romance of the Three Kingdoms battles have been added, as well as new playable characters, weapons types, growth/speedrun elements, and more! What's more, a revamped Ambition Mode and completely new Challenge Mode offer whole new ways to enjoy the 'Dynasty Warriors 8' universe.

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Shin Sangokumusou 7 Moushouden.Full.Game English Version V 1.02 And 11DLC Included

15 GB



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Jillur Rahman

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